Summertime, and the livin’ is easy, so the saying goes. When it comes to homeownership, if your home is prepared and you have all your boxes checked, you can enjoy a more laid-back, relaxed summer too.

However, for anyone with a summer home or vacation property, you know it’s not always that easy. With a little planning and advanced preparation though, you can put your mind at ease and rest assured that your home is ready for the season. That’s where a summer home inspection and maintenance checklist can be a homeowner’s saving grace!

Summer Home Inspection & Maintenance Checklist

To begin, you’ll want to complete a thorough inspection of your property. But what does that need to include? Let’s review some of the most important tasks here to get your home in tip-top shape with a summer home inspection and maintenance checklist:

  1. Check for any loose gutters and downspouts, and be sure the gutters are clean and clear.
    This is a quick and easy way to ensure your gutters don’t clog, back-up or overflow in the event of heavy summer downpours. Keeping downspouts secure and clear will help prevent flooding around your property as well.
  2. Be sure your shutters are securely attached.
    If high winds kick up during a storm, this will give you peace of mind that your shutters will remain properly attached to your home’s exterior. And if you live in a hurricane zone, take time to make the necessary preparations for your storms shutters, whether they are accordion style or panels that need to be installed ahead of an impending storm.
  3. Trim any trees around your property.
    During a storm, loose limbs, dead branches and coconuts (if you live in a tropical climate), can become projectiles that are potential hazards to your home and those around you. This is a great time to get them trimmed up and free of anything that could go flying in the wind.
  4. Check for any loose shingles, leaks or repairs that may be needed for your roof.
    While in the midst of a downpour is a rough time to find out you have a leaky roof, or even worse – after returning to your vacation property only to find it flooded – so now is the time to batten down the hatches, as they say. If your roof is in good condition and repairs are completed ahead of severe weather, this helps keep your home the sanctuary it is.
  5. Have your annual HVAC maintenance completed.
    The last thing anyone in your family wants during the summer is an air conditioner on the fritz. Keep your cool and schedule your yearly HVAC maintenance service before things get too toasty for comfort.
  6. Test all smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors.
    While these systems should be checked frequently throughout the year (once a month is ideal), for vacation properties or summer homes, it can be difficult to keep up on when you’re not there. Ensure that all systems are in proper working order and any batteries replaced so they can do their job to keep you and your family safe.

Be Prepared with Your Summer Home Inspection & Maintenance Checklist

Your home is your respite, and even more so with a summer home as it’s your escape from everyday life. Keep your space beautiful, clean and calm for years to come with a summer home inspection and maintenance checklist tailored to fit your unique property’s needs. Shore Perfection Home Watch Services can help you do just that. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help look after your investment with the same care and attention you would.